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How Common Is Hair Loss, and What Can You Do to Treat It?

Odds are, you’re going to lose your hair. Some degree of hair loss happens to most of us eventually. Approximately 20% of men have noticeable hair loss in their 20s. This percentage increases to almost 70% of men experiencing hair loss in their 60s. Women lose hair, too. More than half of post-menopausal women report some hair loss or thinning.

Hair loss is common, but treatable. If you start to notice thinning hair, reach out to a hair restoration superspecialist like the doctors at California Hair MD. The earlier you start treatment for your hair loss, the more treatment options you’ll have available.

Non-Surgical Treatments for Hair Loss

Non-surgical treatments for hair loss can be highly effective if you seek them early in the hair loss process. Dr. Stuart, one of our founders, is a board-certified dermatologist. She is intimately familiar with the medical treatments available for hair loss and works with patients to create non-surgical treatment plans when appropriate.

Minoxidil, laser therapy, and finasteride are some of the most reliable non-surgical treatments for hair loss.

Hair Transplantation: What Are My Options?

Patients with moderate or severe hair loss often need surgical intervention like hair transplantation to restore a more youthful hairline. Dr. Chaffoo is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon and hair transplantation specialist. He commonly uses the following hair transplantation options at California Hair MD.

With many options available, there are hair loss solutions for most men and women experiencing hair loss.

Discover Your Hair Loss Solution at California Hair MD

Most men and women will lose their hair, but with the advanced hair restoration techniques at California Hair MD, you can have a full and youthful hairline again. When you start to notice thinning, come see us.

Contact California Hair MD to schedule a consultation and learn more about your hair restoration options.