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Am I a Good Candidate for Hair Transplantation Surgery?

Hair transplantation is one of the most effective procedures for restoring a youthful hairline and a fuller head of hair. California Hair MD is a nationally recognized hair transplant superspecialist. Our duo of board-certified physicians (a dermatologist and triple board-certified plastic surgeon) work together to bring patients the latest advancements in medical and surgical hair restoration. With many non-surgical options for hair restoration and a full line of cutting-edge procedures including NeoGraft and ARTAS, we can find hair loss solutions for most patients.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, find out if you’re a candidate for hair transplantation surgery. This versatile procedure is ideal for many men and women experiencing thinning hair and balding.

What Does Your Hair Loss Look Like?

Your unique hair loss pattern will determine your options for hair transplantation. For example, male pattern baldness is ideal for hair transplantation because hair loss only occurs on specific areas of the scalp. Hair at the top of the head is sensitive to hormones that cause hair loss, while hair around the sides and the back of the head is more resistant to loss.

Since hair falls out in a predictable pattern with male pattern baldness, Dr. Chaffoo can transplant hair from the sides and back of the head into balding areas to camouflage and reverse the hair loss.

Other types of hair loss, like alopecia or hair loss caused by medications, may not respond as effectively to hair transplantation.

How Extensive Is Your Hair Loss?

Hair loss is often a progressive condition. At its earliest stages, hair loss is virtually unnoticeable. Patients typically start to see signs of thinning hair once they’ve already lost about 50% of the hair in a particular area. To assess and compare the extent of hair loss, doctors use a grading and classification system like the Norwood Classification for men or the Ludwig Classification for women.

If you’re starting to see signs of thinning hair, visit a restoration specialist as soon as possible. There are more treatment options available at the earliest stages of hair loss. The more hair you lose, the more difficult the hair restoration.

How Is Your Health?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, so it is vital to be in good overall health. Modern hair transplantation methods like FUE using the Artas robot and NeoGraft manual device have improved hair transplantation, making it far less invasive than the older strip method.

Healthy bodies mend faster and experience fewer complications during recovery. Healing can impact graft survival, patients must recover quickly after their procedure for the best aesthetic results.

If you have chronic medical conditions, you may still be a candidate for hair transplantation if you have your symptoms well under control. During your consultation, we’ll talk about your health and any medications you use to ensure hair transplant surgery is a safe option for you.

Find Out If You’re a Candidate for Hair Restoration

Don’t wonder anymore if you’re a candidate for hair transplant surgery. Get definitive answers at a consultation. California Hair MD offers comprehensive hair restoration consultations at all four of our office locations and virtually for patients that live out of the area.

Schedule a consultation today with our hair restoration superspecialists for detailed information about your options for hair transplantation. Contact us to get started.