Upcoming Events
April 23rd, New Advances In Hair Restoration

Dr. Chaffoo will speak about new advances in hair restoration on April 23rd from 4:30-6:30pm PST
June 4th, 2022: AIS Aesthetics Innovation Summit
Dr. Chaffoo will be speaking about FUE Hair Restoration utilizing the Neograft & ARTAS systems.

Ongoing/Past Events
April 20, 2022 AIS Aesthetics Innovation Summit

VenusConcept Training Center
Dr. Chaffoo conducts ongoing physician training programs on medical aesthetic devices such as the ARTAS® iX Robotic Hair Restoration System and the NeoGraft®. This is the only such training center on the west coast (and one of only two in the US) for doctors in the USA and abroad.

Read About The ARTAS® iX Robotic Device For Hair Restoration
The 2022 MANE Event
Dr. Chaffoo co-chaired the 2022 MANE event at The Montage Resort in Laguna Beach. This was an inaugural event consisting of the top robotic hair physicians in the world. Click on the video below to see the highlights:
April 16, 2020: VenusConcept Webinar
Dr. Richard Chaffoo discusses the increasing potential of the hair restoration market, the future of robotics in medical aesthetics, and the key benefits of owning and operating an ARTAS iX™ device.