Hybrid Hair Restoration
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in La Jolla, San Diego, Newport Beach and Beverly Hills

Hybrid hair restoration is a treatment that involves combining other hair growth therapies with follicular unit extraction (FUE), the most advanced form of hair restoration, to help patients attain the best results possible.
By utilizing both surgical and non-surgical approaches, patients can better support the health of existing and transplanted follicles. When prescribed by a hair restoration specialist, you can get the most successful results from FUE. The surgical aspect of hair restoration involves the strategic harvesting of hair follicles from the back and sides of the head and individually transplanting them into areas where hair loss has occurred. It is a delicate and precise process that can be amplified by the healing properties of topical and oral treatments that stimulate more scalp hair fullness. Other methods include various shampoos, well-researched supplements and vitamins, and non-invasive light therapy.
At California Hair MD, you can rest assured that our staff will handle your unique hair loss situation with an individualized hybrid hair restoration protocol that works. Our practice is led by Dr. Richard Chaffoo,MD, FACS, FICS, a triple-board certified plastic surgeon and medical director at Stemson Therapeutics, a biotech company that has pioneered the latest research concerning cloning of hair follicles to treat hair loss . If you are looking for the most cutting-edge advice, recommendations, and treatment, Dr. Chaffoo is one of the top FUE surgeons in the world and will provide you with the premium care you deserve. California Hair MD patients also receivea more comprehensive experience with the dermatological expertise of Susan Stuart, MD, FAAD.
To get started today, call (800) 373-4773 to reach his locations in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, La Jolla, and San Diego, CA. For his practice in Corona Del Mar, CA, dial (877) 942-2644. You can also inquire about a consultation through our contact form, and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.
Before and After Photos
About Hair Follicles and FUE
For hair transplantation with FUE, Dr. Chaffoo will harvest individual follicular units from the donor area of your scalp. This donor area is almost always the back and sides of the head because it is not sensitive to androgen hormones- the main hormones that cause the most common reason for hair loss, androgenic alopecia. These follicular units must contain all the necessary parts for new hair to grow in a new location.
Hair follicles themselves are housed within pores of the skin and contain both hair shafts and the cells that create them. During an FUE procedure, Dr. Chaffoo must remove every follicle’s hair “bulb” that contains keratinocytes for hair production, the microscopic arrector pili muscle that can make the hair stand on end, the sebaceous gland that produces oil, and 1 to 4 hair shafts. He will then preserve these hair follicles in a solution as he makes more pinpoint incisions in the areas of hair loss (hairline or crown) to place the harvested follicles. The entire procedure is very meticulous and takes many hours, but Dr. Chaffoo requires this amount of time to ensure that the results appears as natural as possible. FUE remains the gold standard for hair transplantation mostly due to minimal scarring; each scar from a harvested hair follicle from the donor area is only about 1.5 to 1.6 mm in diameter and can be easily concealed by the surrounding hair. (1)
FUE Hair Transplant Devices
Since its inception in the 2003, hair transplantation experts have pioneered new methods and devices to make the FUE procedure more efficient and effective as ever. At California Hair MD, patients have the opportunity to choose between SmartGraft, NeoGraft, or ARTAS and other advanced FUE devices to help them attain the hair fullness they desire. . Depending on their hair restoration needs, they may benefit more from one device over another
The SmartGraft method of FUE is the most cost-effective, but it can still provide the same incredible, permanent results as other FUE techniques. SmartGraft gained FDA-approved in 2014, so it still holds up as one of the most reliable and advanced devices for hair restoration. It is superior to FUT (folliclular unit transplantation) which requires surgeons to remove a patch of skin from the back of the head in order to collect the necessary follicles. It always leaves a long, unsightly scar that is unable to regrow hair. SmartGraft avoids this issue entirely since Dr. Chaffoo takes every follicle out one-by-one and gathers them manually to place them within its preserving solution.
With a NeoGraft, Dr. Chaffoo can individually extract the needed follicles from the donor area and immediately harvest them utilizing the pneumatic pressure of the device. This increases the viability and survival rates of each follicles with its 2-in-1 step process. (2) Collecting follicular units through suction also cuts down on the procedure time significantly.
The ARTAS robot uses AI precision to target and harvest the best follicles at the most accurate angle with customizable micropunches. Dr. Chaffoo was the first surgeon to introduce this technology to the United States at California Hair MD, giving hair loss patients a premium treatment that eliminates the risk of human error. With ARTAS, you can expect an even shorter procedure with this semi-automatic process that significantly reduces surgeon fatigue. ARTAS is best for men and women who have experienced hair loss in the frontal area of the scalp, and researchers will continue to study how to make the robot produce exceptional results for the crown area.
Dr. Chaffoo has a full spectrum of devices for FUE because his practice focuses on hair restoration, and it’s vital to have every tool available so that your treatment is tailor made for your specific anatomy and type of hair loss. In this manner, Dr. Chaffoo can choose the specific device you need and not be limited to one or two options.
Feel free to learn more about the various differences between these FUE procedure methods. Gaining the information you’ll need about these hair restoration tools will help you make the best decision concerning your particular needs.
Non-Surgical Methods of Supporting FUE Results
Although FUE is incredibly effective by itself, many patients seek to better support the health of the scalp and enhance their cosmetics with non-surgical means. Dr. Chaffoo offers several options for patients seeking this type of hybrid hair restoration, a treatment that incorporates one or more of these therapies:
Finasteride is an oral treatment that prevents testosterone from converting into DHT hormones, the main cause of androgen alopecia, the most common form of hair loss. (3) By reducing the amount of this androgen hormone, the scalp is able to recuperate and many hair follicles become functional again- increasing hair production and also limiting further hair loss.
This topical medication has been proven to both preserve and promote hair growth in a multitude of ways. It primarily works by increasing growth factors, molecules that signal various functions within the body- hair growth included. Minoxidil increases healthy vascularization around hair follicles, providing more nutrients and support for hair growth. It also functions to prolong the anagen phase, the growth phase of the hair, allowing it to grow thicker and longer for an extended period of time. Finally, studies have also shown that it increases the size of the hair follicles themselves. (4)
Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp micropigmentation is a means of utilizing tiny, natural-looking tattoos to further enhance the results of FUE.
Candidates for Hybrid Hair Restoration
If you are a candidate for an FUE procedure, you will be able to benefit from Dr. Chaffoo’s more comprehensive treatment plan that hybrid hair restoration can offer you. Dr. Chaffoo will speak with you about your hair loss and how long you’ve been experiencing it. He will investigate your medical history to rule out any possible underlying conditions that could be contributing. FUE and hybrid hair transplants are only suitable for patients with a patterned form of hair loss that has stabilized over time. If you are experiencing hair loss and are under the age of 25, Dr. Chaffoo may prescribe one of his non-surgical treatments to slow down the condition before considering an FUE procedure. Those with diffuse unpatterned alopecia will not benefit from a hair transplant since they may not have a viable donor area from which donor follicles can be harvested. .
Personal Consultation
Scheduling a personal consultation at California Hair MD is the first step in renewing your confidence in one of the most life-changing ways possible. As a surgeon with over 30 years of experience, Dr. Chaffoo understands how difficult it can be to struggle with this highly sensitive issue. During your appointment, he will provide you with a custom-tailored treatment plan that addresses your unique needs, ensuring that you comprehend the preparation, procedure, and recovery process thoroughly. Dr. Susan Stuart can also help answer any questions you may have related to skin health and how to get the best outcome from your hybrid hair restoration.
To begin your hair growth journey today, call our San Diego, Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and La Jolla locations in Southern California at (800) 373-4773 or our practice in Corona Del Mar at (877) 942-2644. You can also reach out using our online form, and one of our staff members will respond to your message as soon as possible.
Cost of Hybrid Hair Restoration in Southern California
The cost of your hybrid hair restoration will depend on your chosen FUE method and device, the number of follicular units extract and transplanted, and your chosen non-surgical treatments that will accompany the primary FUE procedure. During your first meeting with Dr. Chaffoo, he will be able to provide you with a cost estimate with all of these factors taken into consideration. To get a better understanding of how FUE works and the many unique benefits it can offer patients, please visit our blog. At California Hair MD, we want each of our patients to make informed decisions regarding their health or any procedure.
- Sharma R, Ranjan A. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant: Curves Ahead. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery. 2019;18(4):509-517. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12663-019-01245-6
- Kim HG, Bae TW, Kim KH, Lee HS, Lee SI. Follicular Unit Classification Method Using Angle Variation of Boundary Vector for Automatic Hair Implant System. ETRI Journal. 2016;38(1):195-205. doi:10.4218/etrij.16.0114.0136
- Inadomi T. Efficacy of finasteride for treating patients with androgenetic alopecia who are pileous in other areas: A pilot study in Japan. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2014;59(2):163. doi:https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5154.127677
- Suchonwanit P, Thammarucha S, Leerunyakul K. Minoxidil and its use in hair disorders: a review. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2019;Volume 13:2777-2786. doi:https://doi.org/10.2147/dddt.s214907