Advanced Hair Restoration

Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in La Jolla, San Diego, Newport Beach and Beverly Hills

Advanced Hair Restoration

Advanced hair restoration with follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the gold standard in permanent hair restoration, offering men and women a chance to enjoy a fuller head of hair once again. With FUE, surgeons extract individual follicles from other parts of the scalp that are not susceptible to experiencing hair loss. After preserving them in a solution that keeps all parts intact, the surgeon then transfers them to areas of the face or scalp that exhibit hair loss. With this reliable form of hair restoration, patients can replenish and regrow hair with the natural appearance and texture of their own hair.

If you are seeking to highlight your attractive features and regain your confidence once again with the minimally invasive methods of FUE, get in touch with California Hair MD. With several locations, we are leading the way in the field of hair restoration throughout Southern California.

With the expertise of Dr. Chaffoo, America’s First Triple Board Certified Hair Transplant Plastic Surgeon, you can achieve the most natural-looking and sustainable results you can feel proud of. With the help of Dr. Susan Stuart, a board-certified dermatologist, you can attain the well-rounded care you deserve.

Contact our locations in Newport Beach, San Diego, La Jolla, or Beverly Hills at (800) 373-4773 or call (877) 942-2644 for our Corona Del Mar location. You can also make inquiries using our online form. We will help you find the most convenient time and date for your consultation appointment.

About Follicular Unit Extraction

Hair loss is a condition that affects around 67% of men and 24% of women. (1) Although a variety of over-the-counter remedies for hair loss are available on the market, none are as effective as FUE. During this minor procedure, the surgeon preserves all tiny parts of each harvested follicle in its entirety before it is transferred. This includes the hair matrix- also called the “bulb”- that stores hair-creating cells, the arrector pili muscle that allows hair to stand “on-end”, a sebaceous gland that lubricates the hair, and up to 4 individual hair shafts. Each follicle has its own unique pace at which it grows hair, sheds, and enters a resting state. After shaving an area that has not been affected by hair thinning, the surgeon will anesthetize it to prevent any discomfort or possible pain. They will then carefully harvest these necessary follicular units in a scattered pattern to ensure the extraction does not cause an unwanted bald spot in the donor area.

What is Androgenetic Alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness, is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women. It usually begins as hair thinning and slowly progresses to hair loss from the hairline or at the crown of the head. Both men and women experience this extremely common condition triggered by scalp sensitivity to androgen hormones. Even though it is a genetic condition, many other lifestyle factors, such as stress, poor diet, and hormonal imbalances can worsen its effects. (2) Luckily, most patients with this condition can benefit from FUE since surgeons most often utilize follicles growing at the back of the head, an area not affected by patterned hair loss.

What are the Benefits of FUE?

FUE offers more than just aesthetic benefits; it is appealing to many patients who want a minimally invasive solution that does not require extensive treatment. Here are just a few of the advantages of this incredibly innovative restoration technique:

  • The procedure does not result in long, linear scars; it only causes pinpoint scars that can be easily hidden by surrounding hair in the donor area.
  • You will be able to return to all of your daily activities, including exercise, within a few days post-procedure.
  • With the artistic eye of a skilled surgeon like Dr. Chaffoo, you can attain natural-looking results.
  • The results you will begin to notice- once hair has begun to grow in- are permanent.
  • You can easily manage minimal post-procedure discomfort with over-the-counter medications and/or an ice pack.
  • Dr. Chaffoo offers highly customizable solutions to your unique hair loss situation.
  • FUE is suitable for both men and women with patterned hair loss.
  • You can choose to replenish facial hair as well, including the beard, mustache, eyebrows, and other areas.


Advanced Hair Restoration

Dr. Chaffoo reviews each individual’s hair restoration needs, taking into account medical history and the extent of hair loss. Ideal candidates for FUE are those with androgenic alopecia who have been unable to find improvements with topical or medication treatments. Patients should be in good health, non-smokers, and have any health conditions well-managed. Dr. Chaffoo will consider those who can quit smoking temporarily to improve their healing process. For patients with accelerated hair loss, such as those who exhibit hair thinning before the age of 25, Dr. Chaffoo may prescribe another treatment to control the condition before performing FUE.

Personal Consultation

During your scheduled consultation at California Hair MD, Dr. Chaffoo will assess your hair loss, speak with you about your history with the condition, and come up with your treatment plan. Dr. Chaffoo will treat your condition with utmost sensitivity, ensuring that you feel welcomed and comfortable during your time at his practice. He will take the time to help you understand all aspects of the procedure, including the preparation and recovery process you will undergo.

The next step toward dramatically improving your appearance is just one phone call away. To contact California Hair MD in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, La Jolla, or San Diego, call (800) 373-4773. If the Corona Del Mar location is most convenient for you, please call (877) 942-2644. You can also request your consultation through our contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

FUE Treatment Options and Procedure Steps

California Hair MD offers the latest technologies to ensure that FUE procedures go smoothly and comfortably. If you are concerned about the discomfort associated with a surgical procedure, you can rest assured that Dr. Chaffoo will provide you with a premium experience with advanced FUE devices including NeoGraft, ARTAS, and other advanced devices. Your chosen procedure will promote a quick recovery and optimal survival of transplanted hair follicles.


NeoGraft is a handheld FUE device that extracts each hair follicle through micro punches of less than 1 mm. To perform a hair transplant with this instrument, Dr. Chaffoo will shave the donor area to gain better access to the follicles. He will then administer local anesthesia to the donor area and surrounding skin so that you will not feel any pain. He will then use the NeoGraft tool to make these tiny incisions and suction each follicular unit to immediately collect them and send them into a preservation solution, improving survival rates. He will then make similar microincisions in the areas of hair loss to create tiny pores for each follicle. He will strategically place these incisions to ensure that your hairline, crown, or facial hair regrows in a natural pattern.


ARTAS robot is a semi-automated device that relies on artificial intelligence to scan over areas of the scalp to produce 3D scans of the locations of the hair follicles. Within a short period, the device can generate precise details of viable follicular units. It can even determine the optimal angle at which to remove each follicle. With the abilities of ARTAS, the possibility of human error is erased, improving survival rates of follicular units. (3) The device is also able to extract roughly 300 to 500 follicles per hour, so it significantly cuts down on total treatment time and is much faster than procedures performed with NeoGraft. (4)

Recovery and Results

Regardless of your choice of FUE procedure, hair restoration will not require that you take a lot of time off of work or downtime to heal. Since the donor area and the area replenished with new follicles may feel irritated or tender, you may want to take a day or two to rest at home. You will be able to easily mitigate these effects with over-the-counter medications or an ice pack. As you continue to heal, you may experience some itchiness, but you should make an effort not to scratch. You should only be feeling these effects for around a week, but many of the small scabs from the procedure will continue to flake off as the follicles take root in the scalp. Until around a week into your recovery, you should avoid activities that cause excessive sweating, swimming, and harsh hair products. Keeping your head elevated while you sleep will also help relieve any swelling and promote faster healing.

Since your follicles will need time to graft properly, the final results will take time to settle in. Within the first month, you may experience a phenomenon called “shock loss” in which you will experience temporary hair loss as a reaction to the surgery. Though some hair may fall out, the hair matrices of these follicles will remain intact and capable of producing new hair. You will likely begin to see new growth at around 3 months after your procedure, but your final results will likely not fill in until about 12-18 months after the procedure.

Cost of Advanced Hair Restoration in Newport Beach

The cost of your advanced hair restoration will depend on the technology Dr. Chaffoo uses to perform your procedure and the number of follicular units you will require to fill in the thinning areas. Dr. Chaffoo will discuss the total costs involved with your personalized procedure at the time of your consultation. At California Hair MD, we believe that every fee that goes toward your procedure should contribute to transformative, high-quality results that will last a lifetime.

If you have any questions or are ready to discuss your hair restoration options, contact our locations in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, La Jolla, or San Diego at (800) 373-4773. If you are closer to the Corona Del Mar location, call (877) 942-2644. We are also available to contact through our online form. We look forward to being a part of your goals toward greater confidence and satisfaction with your appearance.


  1. Zito PM, Raggio BS. Hair Transplantation. PubMed. Published 2021.
  2. Ho CH, Zito PM. Androgenetic Alopecia. Published May 18, 2019.
  3. Kim HG, Bae TW, Kim KH, Lee HS, Lee SI. Follicular Unit Classification Method Using Angle Variation of Boundary Vector for Automatic Hair Implant System. ETRI Journal. 2016;38(1):195-205. doi:
  4. Rose PT, Nusbaum B. Robotic Hair Restoration. Dermatologic Clinics. 2014;32(1):97-107. doi: